

We have a core group of experienced people working full-time to support ongoing client cases, connect our employees, build new knowledge, and develop our unique point of view on specific topics within sustainability. Our internal knowledge base and network are comparable to those of some of the leading universities, and we are continuously learning by helping clients around the

We also recognize that we need to “walk the talk” in order to be credible to our clients and our employees. Therefore, we have set up an all-inclusive internal effort to reduce our footprint through several “smart initiatives,” including travel guidelines, videoconferencing, waste reduction, paper and energy efficiency, and sustainability education. By setting performance-improvement targets for our own company, we aspire to become a role model in the area of sustainability.


Today’s fiercely competitive global economy raises the stakes in virtually every industry.
To succeed, companies must cut fat and become lean, move faster, and grow more efficient.


Our turnaround approach focuses on the most important operational, strategic, organizational, and financial levers in order to ensure a comprehensive recovery. We can validate an existing turnaround plan or develop a new one tailored to a client’s specific circumstances. By combining our deep industry experience with the proven tools of crisis management, we create lasting impact – fast.